Monday, March 2, 2015

How the Ad auction goes in Adwords?

On 8:18 AM
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          Whenever we search for something it goes through “Ad Auction” it is mainly to decide which search result should come is not like that who pay more comes first. there are so many thing goes behind to decide which ad will show up in first result, or else there would be no meaning of placing paid ad if you are not going to win because, you would be competing with deep pocket competitor and they have a lot of money to invest in ads to show result on each search when a user searches on search engine. Search engine marketing teaches us how to deal with the process goes behind the Adwords.

What does Google Adwords do to decide which ad should come first? To know that we need to look into the deep function of Adwords. Before deciding any what search result should come first. For our learning we can divide in steps

Step 1- When a user searches a keyword “Seo Services”

Step 2- Searches work as opposite pyramid, Adwords searches all the ads where placed for “Seo Services”

Step 3- In next step AdWords filter and more and look for those ads which is relevant for the searching user such as it will avoid the location which does not matter to him for example if you are searching for a “pizza delivery” then Google try to look for your location and on the basis of your location history Adwords decide to show the ads to you.

Step 4- After all this now your search need to go through Adwords formula which is known as “Ad Rank”. Ad rank consist of three main factors such as-
  •  Bid Amount
  • Quality of your ad
  • Quality of your Landing page
  • Other factor such as expected impact of extensions and your competitor’s ad formats.

There would be some minimum amount of Ad rank for an advertisement to show up in Adwords, which mean there are chances when your ad will not be shown be in results.

Step 5- after all this step Adwords given a result for the search “Seo Services” and you take that service.

Step 6- When you and your friend will look for same keywords after some time there would be chances of showing different result to you that mean whole process start again, when a new search goes on, so there would be chances that some time your result will not show up. It is mostly due to competition at that moment.
How The Ad Auction Goes in Adwords
How The Ad Auction Goes in Adwords?

As Google decides on the basis of “Ad Rank” and “Ad Rank” is decided on the basis of quality of your ad, bids you have placed, landing page relevancy, and your competitor’s status. That provide an opportunity to any business to bid for, it does not like that who bids more get the first position. If you have a good strategy and get a high Ad Rank your ads also come into first place at a lower bid price.And one most important thing if your ad not comes for a research don’t worry because Google follow the same process for each search so it can come on next search.

Take away from this article is if you want to beat your competitors then you need to follow Google thumb rule “QBL” That is Quality, Bid and Landing Page.

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