Here what you will learn in this blog:
1. Analytics.js vs ga.js (universal vs. classic)
2. Tracking Multiple domains and subdomains in GA
3. GA Code Plugins
4. Using GTM for Tracking
Analytics.js vs ga.js (universal vs. classic)
- (15% reduction)brand bredth use (80% lighter cookie)
- User ID Tracking
- reduce internet spam
How to know a person has gone from to
Cross Domain Tracking: Google Guide
- use official linker plugin and create a referral exclusion list
- Need to add Referral exclusion List (Property>tracking info)
Common uses for cross domain tracking
- with help of Cross domain we can collect data from multiple websites into a single account property
- set up multiple views for cross domain tracking setup
- separate filtered views to display data only from each individual domain
1. Multiple domains
2. Subdomains
- (if you are using universal GA then no need to enable it)
- Subdomains are tracked automatically with the base code 'Auto'
3. 3rd party shopping carts
4. IFrame content
Tracking Multiple domains and subdomains in GA
GA Code Plugins
1. Display features- third party cookies, remarketing and demographics
2. ecommerce= enable ecommerce tracking
3. enhanced ecommerce- initiate enhanced e-commerce
4. enhanced link attribution- improve on the in-page analytics report
5. Autotrack for analytics.js
How to load a plugin on you GA Script
you need to add code into your script
ga('create', UA-XXXXX-Y', 'auto')
ga('require', 'linktracker');
ga('send', 'pageview');
<!--note: plugin scripts must be included after the tracking snippet.-->
<script async src="/path/to/link-tracker-plugin.js"></script>
Using GTM for Tracking:
you can use page view, transaction, event, social, timing, decorate link, decorate form
You can use enhaced ecommerce
you can use cross domain
you can use content groups
Take away:
Universal analytics speeds up the web (literally)
How we can recognize the version of ga we are running
ga.js or urchin.js
Google tag manager makes this
even easier!
Utilize plugins to advance your google analytics